@Millitary CP rework(Barrack)

6 votes

Hi Devs!
I think the CP should need some rework. My thinking is the barrack building in the Main bases should give you the option to move upper than you current CP limit, but if you do it will make have more upkeep cost for example:
40/40 - Normal/standard upkeep
After barack is builded
41/40 - 3x upkeep cost
81/40 - 6x upkeep cost
121/40 - 12x upkeep cost
The reason I am thinking on this as many times 3 House attack the closest winning one house and it is impossibe to defend yourself against 3 house. If you have strong eco, than you can keep more units so at least you have some chance.
The other is the Mercenary/Landstrad units CP should be reduced from 2 to 1 CP to can train more of it if you have strong influence/eco income.

Not a bug Suggested by: Zsivany Upvoted: 02 Nov, '23 Comments: 1

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