Unable to enter load game screen, as well as unable to save game

8 votes

I am unable to click into the 'load game' button. Nor am I able to click 'start' on begin a conquest. This happened after playing conquest, then suddenly I was unable to exit the game. Once force quitting the game and reopening, I was unable to open the load game screen. Also, all the settings I had previously changed were reverted back to the default. I'm able to start a Battle for Arakis, but once in the game I am also unable to save. Clicking does nothing.
Tried screenshotting in the process of clicking the buttons, which are highlighted and are registering the selection, but not entering the respective menus.
Unable to provide Map seed and size, as I can't even go into the save it occurred in.
Unable to reproduce as it is ongoing and game-breaking.
I am going to uninstall, but wanted to provide all the info I could.
Good luck from one dev to another :)

Dev Noted Suggested by: Morgan Fulbright Upvoted: 28 Apr Comments: 8

Comments: 8